The large exposure latitude in flat panel imaging means that retakes, due to over and under exposure, are virtually eliminated. 平板成像很大的曝光范围意味着照相时曝光过量和不足实际上被消除了。
It not only affects process windows, i.e., exposure latitude ( EL) and depth of focus ( DOF), but also degrades mask error factor ( MEF), which can introduce extra mask cost. 它不仅影响工艺窗口,即,曝光容裕度和焦深(DOF),而且也降低了掩模误差因子(MEF),这能导致附加的掩模费用。
Exposure latitude improvement, enhanced critical dimen-sion ( CD) control, elimination of reflective notching, and protection of DUV resist from substrate poison-ing. 曝光宽容度的改善,提高了关键尺寸的控制,消除了反射凹口,防止远紫外抗蚀剂由基底毒化。
The impact of the effective resist diffusion length to the exposure latitude and MEF ( mask error factor) for the 0.13 μ m photolithography and beyond is presented. 展示了在0.13μm及以下工艺中等效扩散对能量裕度和掩模版误差因子的影响的研究结果。